
English Tenses Chart (Very useful to get a general scope of tenses)
English Tenses Chart ( English contents.Word format to download) English Tenses Chart (Spanish contents. Word format to download)

Improve your reading ability


Improve your writing ability

Choose a topic to write about

LISTENING: Listening1 Listening2 Videoclips1 Videotrailers1 Videostuff1



The most popular
Complete on the European languages
Simultaneous translation in 38 languages
Write it in Spanish and Google looks for in any language
Merrian-Webster: visualize and listen

Newspapers and journals

The Independent     The Guardian    The Times   BBC News   Nature  Cell  National Geographic

Radio stations and TV channels

Radio Berkshire (Reading/England)    Radio stations from all over the world

Links to radio, tv stations Authentic Materials (Time Magazine)

Useful links

Excellent vocabulary (With grammar and reading too)

Directions: web 1 - web 2 - web 3 - web 4- web 5 // games1 game 2

First Conditional

Connectors // Another exercise // More?

Oxford TEST of English

Everything (Aquarium)

Everything (Baladre)

Primary levels (Very interesting and funny)

Games & Grammar (Play baskball or golf to practise grammar)

ESL Fun Grammar Games (lots of links) XX

Games for beginners

Listening ( Three levevels of interactive listening exercises)

Grammar Video (Practise grammar with video lessons)

Tenses Exercises (Improve your knowledge on tenses with interactive exercises) X

English Grammar Games X

Interactive English Exercises

English-Grammar-at X X

All skills XX

Interactive English

Good website



Links of links

English Store

Real English

English Lab

My own resources (Test your English- Beginners, Intermediate and Advance levels-False friends, Cartoons, etc.)

Lot of anything (Many useful exercises on vocabulary, readings, and so on)

Lots of exercises. Tenses comparison

Grammar exercises X

Grammar & Vocabulary printable and interactive


ACIs & Reinforcement. Games, listening, etc.

A complete website. Have a look at the links

Explanations and exercises. Elementary & Intermediate

Mixture of exercises

Reading aloud. You can listen someone reading the text

Check your level doing a test

All leves & all skills

Grammar and Vocabulary (three levels: easy verbs)

Story maker

A whole world of links

Lots of resouces (verb zone: modals)

Listening exercises (even with videos, filling the gaps)

Speaking with Merlin (necessary to install a program)

Grammar (lesson & exercises/large and complete/ from easy to difficult)

Songs (English & Spanish/necessary Java to watch videos)



Links of links
